Sunday, August 25, 2013

2013 Capt'n Karl's Reveille Ranch 60K Recap

148.8 miles in 63 days over some of the most treacherous terrain found in the Hill Country of Texas, running all through the night, and in the omnipresent heat of the summer...Buckle earned. The Capt'n Karl races are no walk in the park, seriously, these 60K's can be tougher than some 50 milers...doing all four is quite insane. Reveille Ranch was tougher than I remembered from last year, or it could have just been that my legs were no where near 100% after the first three CK races; my legs were pretty much shot after the first loop, but I soldiered on, I've come too far to quit. Those Granite domes, with uneven and tricky footing, were relentless for the 60K course, just one huge section after another, my legs were pummeled into jelly by the third loop. My knees started to buckle running across them, making it quite a terrifying trip on long downhills across the granite...falling was not an option on the granite domes though...I heard several loud cries as others went down in the distance on the unforgiving granite of Reveille Ranch.

Finished Reveille Ranch 60K in 9:46hrs, and loved every painful moment of it. I may not do all four CK races next year, but I will definitely try to be back for this challenging and fun race.

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